復制代碼 代碼如下:
--* 分頁存儲過程 *
--* 撒哈拉大森林 *
--* 2010-6-28 *
if exists(select * from sysobjects where type='P' and name=N'P_Paging')
drop procedure P_Paging
create procedure P_Paging
@SqlStr nvarchar(4000), --查詢字符串
@CurrentPage int, --第N頁
@PageSize int --每頁行數
set nocount on
declare @P1 int, --P1是游標的id
@rowcount int
exec sp_cursoropen @P1 output,@SqlStr,@scrollopt=1,@ccopt=1,@rowcount=@rowcount output
select ceiling(1.0*@rowcount/@PageSize) as 總頁數--,@rowcount as 總行數,@CurrentPage as 當前頁
set @CurrentPage=(@CurrentPage-1)*@PageSize+1
exec sp_cursorfetch @P1,16,@CurrentPage,@PageSize
exec sp_cursorclose @P1
set nocount off
--if exists(select * from sysobjects where type='U' and name=N'Test_Students')
-- drop table Test_Students
--create table Test_Students(
-- id int IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
-- name nvarchar(100) not null
--declare @i int
--set @i = 100000
--while @i>0
-- begin
-- insert into Test_Students values('姓名')
-- set @i = @i - 1
-- end
--exec P_Paging 'select * from Test_Students order by id',100,100 --執(zhí)行
--if exists(select * from sysobjects where type='U' and name=N'Test_Students')
-- drop table Test_Students
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