create or replace package xyg_pub_data_upload_pkg as /*TYPE XYG_PUB_DATA_UPLOAD_Obj is record( SOURCE_TYPE VARCHAR2(240)--EXCEL/TXT ,BATCH_CODE VARCHAR2 (480 BYTE)--批的Code,Excel用,因為一個Excel可能有多個 ,BATCH_NAME VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE)--批的名稱 ,ROW_NUM NUMBER ,ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE21 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE22 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE23 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE24 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE25 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE26 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE27 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE28 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE29 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,ATTRIBUTE30 VARCHAR2 (4000 BYTE) ,PROCESS_FLAG NUMBER ---0:INIT,3:SUCESSFUL ,PROCESS_MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)); */ type xyg_pub_data_upload_obj_tab is table of xyg_pub_data_upload_obj; c_item_return_num constant number := 0; c_item_return_char constant varchar2(1) := null; c_item_err_code constant number := -20120; c_return_num constant number := -1; c_return_char constant varchar2(1) := null; c_true constant number := 1; c_false constant number := 0; function convert_file_blob(p_filedir in varchar2 ---文件路徑 /usr/usr/glmr/customer , p_filename in varchar2 ---文件名稱 DHS.csv , p_raise in number default /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true) return blob; ---------------------- ------程序主體部分---- ---------------------- function conver_excel_to_tab(p_document blob, p_sheets in varchar2 default null, p_raise in number default /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true) return xyg_pub_data_upload_obj_tab pipelined; end xyg_pub_data_upload_pkg; 包體: create or replace package body xyg_pub_data_upload_pkg as function convert_file_blob(p_filedir in varchar2 ---文件路徑 /usr/usr/glmr/customer , p_filename in varchar2 ---文件名稱 DHS.csv , p_raise in number default /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true) return blob is l_result blob := empty_blob(); l_filedir varchar2(240); l_files bfile; l_dest_offset binary_integer; l_src_offset binary_integer; l_process_phase number; begin l_process_phase := 0; select directory_name into l_filedir from all_directories where 1 = 1 and (upper(directory_path) = case when substr(p_filedir, -1) = '/' then upper(substr(p_filedir, 1, length(p_filedir) - 1)) else upper(p_filedir) end or upper(directory_path) = upper(p_filedir) or directory_name = p_filedir) and rownum = 1; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('L_FILEDIR:'||L_FILEDIR); l_process_phase := 1; l_files := bfilename(l_filedir, p_filename); dbms_lob.createtemporary(lob_loc => l_result, cache => true, dur => dbms_lob.call); l_dest_offset := 1; l_src_offset := 1; dbms_lob.open(l_files, dbms_lob.lob_readonly); dbms_lob.loadblobfromfile(l_result --dest_lob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, , l_files --src_lob IN BFILE, , dbms_lob.lobmaxsize --amount IN INTEGER, , l_dest_offset --dest_offset IN INTEGER := 1, , l_src_offset --src_offset IN INTEGER := 1 ); l_process_phase := 2; dbms_lob.close(l_files); l_process_phase := 99; return l_result; exception when others then if p_raise = /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true then dbms_output.put_line('轉(zhuǎn)換文件有異常錯誤!進(jìn)度:' || l_process_phase); raise; /*xyg_pub_common_pkg.raise_error('-20001' --'ERR_DEFAULT_CODE' , sqlerrm, '轉(zhuǎn)換文件有異常錯誤!進(jìn)度:' || l_process_phase);*/ --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('THERE ARE SOME ERROR, PLEASE CONTACT WITH MIS'); else --UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (L_FILEHANDLE); return empty_blob(); end if; end; ---------------------- ------程序主體部分---- ---------------------- function conver_excel_to_tab(p_document blob, p_sheets in varchar2 default null, p_raise in number default /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true) return xyg_pub_data_upload_obj_tab pipelined is type tp_cell is record( data_type varchar2(1), string_val varchar2(32767), number_val number, date_val date, blob_val blob); type tp_row is table of tp_cell index by pls_integer; type tp_rows is table of tp_row index by pls_integer; type tp_sheet is record( name varchar2(2000), rows tp_rows); type tp_data is table of tp_sheet index by pls_integer; t_data tp_data; t_collection_base varchar2(32767); t_collection_name varchar2(32767); --type tp_2col is table of vc_arr2 index by pls_integer; --t2 tp_2col; l_round char(1) := 'Y'; l_process_phase number; ---xls: type tp_sheet_rec is record( name varchar2(32767), ind integer); type tp_sheets is table of tp_sheet_rec index by pls_integer; t_sheets tp_sheets; t_sheet tp_sheet_rec; --xlsx: type tp_strings is table of varchar2(32767) index by pls_integer; t_sheet_ids tp_strings; t_sheet_names tp_strings; ----------------- ----XLS解析器---- ----------------- function g1(i pls_integer, r pls_integer, c pls_integer) return varchar2 is l_return varchar2(4000); begin if l_round = 'Y' then l_return := case when t_data(i).rows(r).exists(c) then coalesce(substr(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).string_val, 1, 4000), to_char(round(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).number_val, 14 - substr(to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c) .number_val, 'TME'), -3)), 'TM9'), to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).date_val, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) end; else l_return := case when t_data(i).rows(r).exists(c) then coalesce(substr(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).string_val, 1, 4000), to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).number_val, 'TM9'), to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).date_val, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) end; end if; return l_return; --return case when t_data(i)(r).exists(c) then substr( t_data(i)(r)(c), 1, 4000 ) end; end; function parse_xls(p_document blob, p_sheets varchar2 := null, p_extra dbmsoutput_linesarray := null) return tp_data is t_cell tp_cell; t_rows tp_rows; t_data tp_data; t_workbook blob; t_ind integer; t_sind integer; t_len integer; t_max_len integer; t_cnt integer; t_grbit raw(1); t_biff5 boolean; t_str varchar2(32767); t_tmp raw(32767); t_rec raw(32767); t_date1904 boolean; type tp_sst is table of varchar2(32767) index by pls_integer; t_sst tp_sst; type tp_date is table of boolean index by pls_integer; t_xf_date tp_date; t_fmt_date tp_date; type tp_xf_fmt is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer; t_xf_fmt tp_xf_fmt; t_fmt varchar2(32767); t_char_set varchar2(100) := 'WE8MSWIN1252'; t_c pls_integer; t_type varchar2(1); t_max_c pls_integer; procedure read_unicode_string is t_uni raw(32767); begin t_str := null; while t_cnt > 0 loop if utl_raw.bit_and(t_grbit, hextoraw('01')) = hextoraw('01') then if (t_sind + t_cnt * 2 > utl_raw.length(t_rec) + 1 and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + t_len + 4) = hextoraw('3C00')) then t_str := t_str || utl_i18n.raw_to_char(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind), 'AL16UTF16LE'); t_cnt := t_cnt - utl_raw.length(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind)) / 2; t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_grbit := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 1, t_ind + 4); t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len - 1, t_ind + 4 + 1); t_sind := 1; else t_str := t_str || utl_i18n.raw_to_char(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind, t_cnt * 2), 'AL16UTF16LE'); t_sind := t_sind + t_cnt * 2; t_cnt := 0; end if; else if (t_sind + t_cnt > utl_raw.length(t_rec) + 1 and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + t_len + 4) = hextoraw('3C00')) then t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind); t_cnt := t_cnt - utl_raw.length(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind)); t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_grbit := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 1, t_ind + 4); t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len - 1, t_ind + 4 + 1); t_sind := 1; else t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind, t_cnt); t_sind := t_sind + t_cnt; t_cnt := 0; end if; t_uni := null; for i in 1 .. utl_raw.length(t_tmp) loop t_uni := utl_raw.concat(t_uni, utl_raw.substr(t_tmp, i, 1), hextoraw('00')); end loop; t_str := t_str || utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_uni, 'AL16UTF16LE'); end if; end loop; end; function rk2number(p_rk raw) return number is begin return case rawtohex(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(p_rk, 1, 1), '03')) when '02' then utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_and(p_rk, 'FCFFFFFF'), utl_raw.little_endian) / 4 when '03' then utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.bit_and(p_rk, 'FCFFFFFF'), utl_raw.little_endian) / 400 when '00' then utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(utl_raw.concat('00000000', p_rk), utl_raw.little_endian) when '01' then utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(utl_raw.concat('00000000', utl_raw.bit_and(p_rk, 'FCFFFFFF')), utl_raw.little_endian) / 100 end; end; function num2date(p_num number) return date is begin if t_date1904 then return to_date('01-01-1904', 'DD-MM-YYYY') + p_num; end if; return to_date('01-03-1900', 'DD-MM-YYYY') +(p_num - 61); end; procedure read_cfb(p_cf blob) is t_header raw(512); t_byte_order pls_integer; t_encoding varchar2(30); t_ssz pls_integer; t_sssz pls_integer; t_sectid pls_integer; t_tmp_sectid t_sectid%type; type tp_secids is table of t_sectid%type index by pls_integer; t_msat tp_secids; t_sat tp_secids; t_ssat tp_secids; t_sector raw(2048); t_short_container blob; t_stream blob; t_len pls_integer; t_name varchar2(32 char); c_free_secid constant pls_integer := -1; c_end_of_chain_secid constant pls_integer := -2; c_sat_secid constant pls_integer := -3; c_msat_secid constant pls_integer := -4; c_dir_empty constant raw(1) := hextoraw('00'); c_dir_storage constant raw(1) := hextoraw('01'); c_dir_stream constant raw(1) := hextoraw('02'); c_dir_lock constant raw(1) := hextoraw('03'); c_dir_property constant raw(1) := hextoraw('04'); c_dir_root constant raw(1) := hextoraw('05'); begin t_header := dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, 512, 1); if (t_header is null or utl_raw.length(t_header) 512 or utl_raw.substr(t_header, 1, 8) != hextoraw('D0CF11E0A1B11AE1')) then return; end if; t_byte_order := case when utl_raw.substr(t_header, 29, 2) = hextoraw('FEFF') then utl_raw.little_endian else utl_raw.big_endian end; if t_byte_order = utl_raw.little_endian then t_encoding := 'AL16UTF16LE'; else t_encoding := 'AL16UTF16'; end if; t_ssz := power(2, utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 31, 2), t_byte_order)); t_sssz := power(2, utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 33, 2), t_byte_order)); for i in 0 .. 109 - 1 loop t_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 77 + i * 4, 4), t_byte_order); exit when t_sectid = c_free_secid; t_msat(i) := t_sectid; end loop; t_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 69, 4), t_byte_order); while t_sectid != c_end_of_chain_secid loop t_sector := dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, t_ssz, 512 + t_ssz * t_sectid + 1); for i in 0 .. t_ssz / 4 - 2 loop t_msat(t_msat.count()) := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 4 + 1, 4), t_byte_order); end loop; t_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, -4, 4), t_byte_order); end loop; for j in 0 .. t_msat.count() - 1 loop t_sector := dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, t_ssz, 512 + t_ssz * t_msat(j) + 1); for i in 0 .. t_ssz / 4 - 1 loop t_sat(t_sat.count()) := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 4 + 1, 4), t_byte_order); end loop; end loop; t_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 61, 4), t_byte_order); while t_sectid != c_end_of_chain_secid loop t_sector := dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, t_ssz, 512 + t_ssz * t_sectid + 1); for i in 0 .. t_ssz / 4 - 1 loop t_ssat(t_ssat.count()) := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 4 + 1, 4), t_byte_order); end loop; t_sectid := t_sat(t_sectid); end loop; t_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 49, 4), t_byte_order); while t_sectid != c_end_of_chain_secid loop t_sector := dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, t_ssz, 512 + t_ssz * t_sectid + 1); for i in 0 .. t_ssz / 128 - 1 loop t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 128 + 65, 2), t_byte_order); if t_len > 2 then t_name := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 128 + 1, t_len - 2), t_encoding); end if; case utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 128 + 67, 1) when c_dir_stream then dbms_lob.createtemporary(t_stream, true); t_tmp_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 128 + 117, 4), t_byte_order); t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 128 + 121, 4), t_byte_order); if t_len >= utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_header, 57, 4), t_byte_order) then while t_tmp_sectid != c_end_of_chain_secid loop dbms_lob.append(t_stream, dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, t_ssz, 512 + t_ssz * t_tmp_sectid + 1)); t_tmp_sectid := t_sat(t_tmp_sectid); end loop; else while t_tmp_sectid != c_end_of_chain_secid loop dbms_lob.append(t_stream, dbms_lob.substr(t_short_container, t_sssz, t_sssz * t_tmp_sectid + 1)); t_tmp_sectid := t_ssat(t_tmp_sectid); end loop; end if; dbms_lob.trim(t_stream, t_len); if t_name = 'Workbook' then t_workbook := t_stream; end if; if t_name = 'Book' then t_workbook := t_stream; end if; when c_dir_root then dbms_lob.createtemporary(t_short_container, true); t_tmp_sectid := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_sector, i * 128 + 117, 4), t_byte_order); while t_tmp_sectid != c_end_of_chain_secid loop dbms_lob.append(t_short_container, dbms_lob.substr(p_cf, t_ssz, 512 + t_ssz * t_tmp_sectid + 1)); t_tmp_sectid := t_sat(t_tmp_sectid); end loop; else null; end case; end loop; t_sectid := t_sat(t_sectid); end loop; if dbms_lob.istemporary(t_short_container) = 1 then dbms_lob.freetemporary(t_short_container); end if; if dbms_lob.istemporary(t_stream) = 1 then dbms_lob.freetemporary(t_stream); end if; end; begin --my_log('parsing XLS'); read_cfb(p_document); if t_workbook is null or dbms_lob.getlength(t_workbook) = 0 then --my_log('No workbook file found'); raise_application_error(-20003, 'Not a valid XLS-file', true); end if; t_ind := 1; t_max_len := dbms_lob.getlength(t_workbook); if (dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0908') and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 4) in (hextoraw('0005'), hextoraw('0006')) and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 6) = hextoraw('0500')) then t_biff5 := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 4) = hextoraw('0005'); t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; loop exit when t_ind >= t_max_len; exit when dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0A00'); t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); if dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('FC00') then declare t_run integer; t_ext integer; procedure add_cont(p_len pls_integer) is begin if (t_sind + p_len > utl_raw.length(t_rec) + 1 and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + t_len + 4) = hextoraw('3C00')) then t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); if t_sind = utl_raw.length(t_rec) then t_rec := utl_raw.concat(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind), dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4)); else t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); end if; t_sind := 1; end if; end; begin t_sind := 1; t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len - 8, t_ind + 12); for j in 1 .. utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 4, t_ind + 8), utl_raw.little_endian) loop add_cont(3); t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_sind := t_sind + 2; t_grbit := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind, 1); t_sind := t_sind + 1; if utl_raw.bit_and(t_grbit, hextoraw('08')) = hextoraw('08') then add_cont(2); t_run := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_sind := t_sind + 2; else t_run := 0; end if; if utl_raw.bit_and(t_grbit, hextoraw('04')) = hextoraw('04') then add_cont(4); t_ext := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, t_sind, 4), utl_raw.little_endian); if t_ext 0 then t_ext := t_ext + 4294967296; end if; t_sind := t_sind + 4; else t_ext := 0; end if; read_unicode_string; t_sst(t_sst.count()) := t_str; add_cont(t_run * 4 + t_ext); t_sind := t_sind + t_run * 4 + t_ext; end loop; end; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('8500') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if t_biff5 then t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 1), utl_raw.little_endian); t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 8, t_cnt); t_sheet.name := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_tmp, t_char_set); else t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 1)); t_grbit := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 8, 1); if utl_raw.bit_and(t_grbit, hextoraw('01')) = hextoraw('01') then t_str := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 9, t_cnt * 2); else t_str := null; t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 9, t_cnt); for i in 1 .. utl_raw.length(t_tmp) loop t_str := utl_raw.concat(t_str, utl_raw.substr(t_tmp, i, 1), hextoraw('00')); end loop; end if; t_sheet.name := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_str, 'AL16UTF16LE'); end if; t_sheet.ind := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 4), utl_raw.little_endian); t_sheets(t_sheets.count()) := t_sheet; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('2200') then t_date1904 := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 4) = hextoraw('0100'); elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('1E04') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if t_biff5 then t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 1), utl_raw.little_endian); t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 4, t_cnt); t_fmt := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_tmp, t_char_set); else t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_grbit := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 5, 1); if utl_raw.bit_and(t_grbit, hextoraw('01')) = hextoraw('01') then t_str := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 6, t_cnt * 2); else t_str := null; t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 6, t_cnt); for i in 1 .. utl_raw.length(t_tmp) loop t_str := utl_raw.concat(t_str, utl_raw.substr(t_tmp, i, 1), hextoraw('00')); end loop; end if; t_fmt := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_str, 'AL16UTF16LE'); end if; t_fmt_date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian)) := (instr(t_fmt, 'dd') > 0 or instr(t_fmt, 'mm') > 0 or instr(t_fmt, 'yy') > 0); elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('E000') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); t_xf_fmt(t_xf_fmt.count()) := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('4200') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if (rawtohex(t_rec) in ('1027', '0080') and nls_charset_id('WE8MACROMAN8') is not null) then t_char_set := 'WE8MACROMAN8'; end if; end if; t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; end loop; t_fmt_date(14) := true; t_fmt_date(15) := true; t_fmt_date(16) := true; t_fmt_date(17) := true; t_fmt_date(22) := true; for i in 0 .. t_xf_fmt.count() - 1 loop t_xf_date(i) := t_fmt_date.exists(t_xf_fmt(i)) and t_fmt_date(t_xf_fmt(i)); end loop; end if; for s in 0 .. t_sheets.count - 1 loop t_ind := t_sheets(s).ind + 1; if (dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0908') and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 4) = hextoraw('0006') and dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 6) = hextoraw('1000') and (p_sheets is null or instr(':' || p_sheets || ':', ':' || to_char(s + 1) || ':') > 0 or instr(':' || p_sheets || ':', ':' || t_sheets(s).name || ':') > 0)) then t_max_c := 0; t_rows.delete; t_data(t_data.count + 1).name := t_sheets(s).name; --my_log('read ' || t_sheets(s).name); t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; loop exit when t_ind >= t_max_len; exit when dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0A00'); t_cell := null; t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); if dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('7E02') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if t_xf_date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 5, 2), utl_raw.little_endian)) then t_cell.data_type := 'D'; t_cell.date_val := num2date(rk2number(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 4))); else t_cell.data_type := 'N'; t_cell.number_val := rk2number(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 4)); end if; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0302') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if t_xf_date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 5, 2), utl_raw.little_endian)) then t_cell.data_type := 'D'; t_cell.date_val := num2date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 8), utl_raw.little_endian)); else t_cell.data_type := 'N'; t_cell.number_val := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 8), utl_raw.little_endian); end if; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0600') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if (rawtohex(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 1)) not in ('00', '01', '02', '03') or utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 13, 2) != hextoraw('FFFF')) then if t_xf_date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 5, 2), utl_raw.little_endian)) then t_cell.data_type := 'D'; t_cell.date_val := num2date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 8), utl_raw.little_endian)); else t_cell.data_type := 'N'; t_cell.number_val := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_double(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 8), utl_raw.little_endian); end if; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; else case rawtohex(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 1)) when '01' then t_cell.data_type := 'S'; t_cell.string_val := case rawtohex(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 9, 1)) when '00' then 'FALSE' when '01' then 'TRUE' end; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; when '02' then null; when '00' then if dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + t_len + 4) = hextoraw('0702') then declare t_row pls_integer := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_col pls_integer := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; begin t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; t_len := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind + 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_sind := 4; t_cell.data_type := 'S'; if t_biff5 then t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, t_cnt); t_cell.string_val := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_tmp, t_char_set); else t_grbit := dbms_lob.substr(t_rec, 1, 3); read_unicode_string; t_cell.string_val := t_str; end if; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_col); t_rows(t_row)(t_col) := t_cell; end; end if; else t_cell.data_type := 'S'; t_cell.string_val := ''; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; end case; end if; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('0402') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if t_biff5 then t_cell.data_type := 'S'; t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); if t_cnt = 0 then t_cell.string_val := null; else t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 9, t_cnt); t_cell.string_val := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_tmp, t_char_set); end if; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; end if; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('D600') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); if t_biff5 then t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 9, t_cnt); t_cell.data_type := 'S'; t_cell.string_val := utl_i18n.raw_to_char(t_tmp, t_char_set); t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; end if; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('FD00') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); t_cell.data_type := 'S'; t_c := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_cell.string_val := t_sst(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 7, 4), utl_raw.little_endian)); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(t_c) := t_cell; elsif dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, 2, t_ind) = hextoraw('BD00') then t_rec := dbms_lob.substr(t_workbook, t_len, t_ind + 4); t_cnt := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian); for i in utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 3, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) .. utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, -2, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) loop t_tmp := utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 5 + 6 * (i - t_cnt), 6); if t_xf_date(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_tmp, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian)) then t_cell.data_type := 'D'; t_cell.date_val := num2date(rk2number(utl_raw.substr(t_tmp, 3, 4))); else t_cell.data_type := 'N'; t_cell.number_val := rk2number(utl_raw.substr(t_tmp, 3, 4)); end if; t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, i + 1); t_rows(utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(utl_raw.substr(t_rec, 1, 2), utl_raw.little_endian) + 1)(i + 1) := t_cell; end loop; end if; t_ind := t_ind + t_len + 4; end loop; if t_rows.count > 0 then t_c := t_rows(t_rows.last).first; t_type := t_rows(t_rows.last)(t_c).data_type; for r in 1 .. t_rows.last - 1 loop if not t_rows.exists(r) then t_rows(r)(t_c).data_type := t_type; end if; end loop; if t_rows.count > 1 then for c in 1 .. t_max_c loop t_type := null; for r in 2 .. t_rows.last loop if t_rows(r).exists(c) then t_type := t_rows(r)(c).data_type; exit; end if; end loop; if t_type is null then if t_rows(1).exists(c) then t_type := t_rows(1)(c).data_type; else t_type := 'S'; end if; end if; for r in 1 .. t_rows.last loop if not t_rows(r).exists(c) then t_rows(r)(c).data_type := t_type; end if; end loop; end loop; else for c in 1 .. t_max_c loop if not t_rows(1).exists(c) then t_rows(1)(c).data_type := 'S'; end if; end loop; end if; end if; t_data(t_data.count).rows := t_rows; end if; end loop; return t_data; end; ----------------- ----XLSX解析器---- ----------------- function g2(i pls_integer, r pls_integer, c pls_integer) return varchar2 is l_return varchar2(4000); begin if l_round = 'Y' then l_return := case when t_data(i).rows(r).exists(c) then coalesce(substr(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).string_val, 1, 4000), to_char(round(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).number_val, 14 - substr(to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c) .number_val, 'TME'), -3)), 'TM9'), to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).date_val, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) end; else l_return := case when t_data(i).rows(r).exists(c) then coalesce(substr(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).string_val, 1, 4000), to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).number_val, 'TM9'), to_char(t_data(i).rows(r)(c).date_val, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')) end; end if; return l_return; --return case when t_data(i)(r).exists(c) then substr( t_data(i)(r)(c), 1, 4000 ) end; end; function blob2node(p_blob blob) return dbms_xmldom.domnode is begin if p_blob is null or dbms_lob.getlength(p_blob) = 0 then return null; end if; return dbms_xmldom.makenode(dbms_xmldom.getdocumentelement(dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument(xmltype(p_blob, nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'))))); exception when others then declare t_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; t_clob clob; t_dest_offset integer; t_src_offset integer; t_lang_context number := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx; t_warning integer; begin dbms_lob.createtemporary(t_clob, true); t_dest_offset := 1; t_src_offset := 1; dbms_lob.converttoclob(t_clob, p_blob, dbms_lob.lobmaxsize, t_dest_offset, t_src_offset, nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'), t_lang_context, t_warning); t_nd := dbms_xmldom.makenode(dbms_xmldom.getdocumentelement(dbms_xmldom.newdomdocument(t_clob))); dbms_lob.freetemporary(t_clob); return t_nd; end; end; function blob2num(p_blob blob, p_len integer, p_pos integer) return number is begin return utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer(dbms_lob.substr(p_blob, p_len, p_pos), utl_raw.little_endian); end; function little_endian(p_big number, p_bytes pls_integer := 4) return raw is begin return utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_from_binary_integer(p_big, utl_raw.little_endian), 1, p_bytes); end; function col_alfan(p_col varchar2) return pls_integer is begin return ascii(substr(p_col, -1)) - 64 + nvl((ascii(substr(p_col, -2, 1)) - 64) * 26, 0) + nvl((ascii(substr(p_col, -3, 1)) - 64) * 676, 0); end; function get_file(p_zipped_blob blob, p_file_name varchar2) return blob is t_tmp blob; t_ind integer; t_hd_ind integer; t_fl_ind integer; t_encoding varchar2(10); t_len integer; begin t_ind := dbms_lob.getlength(p_zipped_blob) - 21; loop exit when t_ind 1 or dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind) = hextoraw('504B0506'); t_ind := t_ind - 1; end loop; if t_ind = 0 then return null; end if; t_hd_ind := blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_ind + 16) + 1; for i in 1 .. blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_ind + 8) loop if utl_raw.bit_and(dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 1, t_hd_ind + 9), hextoraw('08')) = hextoraw('08') then t_encoding := 'AL32UTF8'; else t_encoding := 'US8PC437'; end if; if p_file_name = utl_i18n.raw_to_char(dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28), t_hd_ind + 46), t_encoding) then t_len := blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 24); if t_len = 0 then if substr(p_file_name, -1) in ('/', '\') then return null; else return empty_blob(); end if; end if; if dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 10) = hextoraw('0800') then t_fl_ind := blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 42); t_tmp := hextoraw('1F8B0800000000000003'); dbms_lob.copy(t_tmp, p_zipped_blob, blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 20), 11, t_fl_ind + 31 + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 27) + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 29)); dbms_lob.append(t_tmp, utl_raw.concat(dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 16), little_endian(t_len))); return utl_compress.lz_uncompress(t_tmp); end if; if dbms_lob.substr(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 10) = hextoraw('0000') then t_fl_ind := blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 4, t_hd_ind + 42); dbms_lob.createtemporary(t_tmp, true); dbms_lob.copy(t_tmp, p_zipped_blob, t_len, 1, t_fl_ind + 31 + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 27) + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_fl_ind + 29)); return t_tmp; end if; end if; t_hd_ind := t_hd_ind + 46 + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 28) + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 30) + blob2num(p_zipped_blob, 2, t_hd_ind + 32); end loop; return null; end; function parse_xlsx(p_doc blob, p_sheets varchar2 := null, p_extra dbmsoutput_linesarray := null) return tp_data is t_rows tp_rows; t_data tp_data; t_date1904 boolean; type tp_date is table of boolean index by pls_integer; t_xf_date tp_date; t_numfmt_date tp_date; t_strings tp_strings; t_r varchar2(32767); t_s varchar2(32767); t_t varchar2(32767); t_val varchar2(32767); t_nr number; t_x pls_integer; t_xx pls_integer; t_c pls_integer; t_sc pls_integer; t_rr pls_integer; t_ns varchar2(200) := 'xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"'; t_nd dbms_xmldom.domnode; t_nd2 dbms_xmldom.domnode; t_nl dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; t_nl2 dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; t_nl3 dbms_xmldom.domnodelist; t_type varchar2(1); t_max_c pls_integer; begin --my_log('parsing XLSX'); t_nd := blob2node(get_file(p_doc, 'xl/workbook.xml')); t_date1904 := lower(dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(t_nd, '/workbook/workbookPr/@date1904', t_ns)) in ('true', '1'); t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(t_nd, '/workbook/sheets/sheet', t_ns); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl) - 1 loop t_sheet_ids(i + 1) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), '@r:id', 'xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"'); t_sheet_names(i + 1) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), '@name'); end loop; dbms_xmldom.freenode(t_nd); t_nd := blob2node(get_file(p_doc, 'xl/styles.xml')); t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(t_nd, '/styleSheet/numFmts/numFmt', t_ns); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl) - 1 loop t_val := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), '@formatCode'); if (instr(t_val, 'dd') > 0 or instr(t_val, 'mm') > 0 or instr(t_val, 'yy') > 0) then t_numfmt_date(dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), '@numFmtId')) := true; end if; end loop; t_numfmt_date(14) := true; t_numfmt_date(15) := true; t_numfmt_date(16) := true; t_numfmt_date(17) := true; t_numfmt_date(22) := true; t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(t_nd, '/styleSheet/cellXfs/xf/@numFmtId', t_ns); for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl) - 1 loop t_xf_date(i) := t_numfmt_date.exists(dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i))); end loop; dbms_xmldom.freenode(t_nd); t_nd := blob2node(get_file(p_doc, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml')); if not dbms_xmldom.isnull(t_nd) then t_x := 0; t_xx := 10000; loop t_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(t_nd, '/sst/si[position()>="' || to_char(t_x * t_xx + 1) || '" and position()="' || to_char((t_x + 1) * t_xx) || '"]', t_ns); exit when dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl) = 0; t_x := t_x + 1; for i in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl) - 1 loop t_sc := t_strings.count; t_strings(t_sc) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), '.'); if t_strings(t_sc) is null then t_strings(t_sc) := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), '*/text()'); if t_strings(t_sc) is null then t_nl2 := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl, i), 'r/t/text()'); for j in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl2) - 1 loop t_strings(t_sc) := t_strings(t_sc) || dbms_xmldom.getnodevalue(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl2, j)); end loop; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; end if; t_nd2 := blob2node(get_file(p_doc, 'xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels')); for i in 1 .. t_sheet_ids.count loop if (p_sheets is null or instr(':' || p_sheets || ':', ':' || to_char(i) || ':') > 0 or instr(':' || p_sheets || ':', ':' || t_sheet_names(i) || ':') > 0) then --跟蹤日志 --p_ins_log(t_sheet_names(i)); t_max_c := 0; t_rows.delete; t_data(t_data.count + 1).name := t_sheet_names(i); --my_log('read ' || t_sheet_names(i)); t_val := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(t_nd2, '/Relationships/Relationship[@Id="' || t_sheet_ids(i) || '"]/@Target', 'xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"'); t_nd := blob2node(get_file(p_doc, 'xl/' || t_val)); t_x := 0; t_xx := 10000; loop t_nl3 := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(t_nd, '/worksheet/sheetData/row[position()>="' || to_char(t_x * t_xx + 1) || '" and position()="' || to_char((t_x + 1) * t_xx) || '"]'); exit when dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl3) = 0; t_x := t_x + 1; for r in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl3) - 1 loop t_nl2 := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl3, r), 'c[v]'); for j in 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getlength(t_nl2) - 1 loop t_r := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl2, j), '@r', t_ns); t_rr := ltrim(t_r, rtrim(t_r, '0123456789')); t_c := col_alfan(rtrim(t_r, '0123456789')); t_max_c := greatest(t_max_c, t_c); t_val := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl2, j), 'v'); t_t := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl2, j), '@t'); if t_t = 's' then if t_val is not null then t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).data_type := 'S'; t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).string_val := t_strings(to_number(t_val)); end if; elsif t_t in ('str', 'inlineStr', 'e') then if t_val is not null then t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).data_type := 'S'; t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).string_val := t_val; end if; else t_nr := to_number(t_val, case when instr(t_val, 'E') = 0 then translate(t_val, '.012345678,-+', 'D999999999') else translate(substr(t_val, 1, instr(t_val, 'E') - 1), '.012345678,-+', 'D999999999') || 'EEEE' end, 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=.,'); t_s := dbms_xslprocessor.valueof(dbms_xmldom.item(t_nl2, j), '@s'); if t_s is not null and t_xf_date.exists(to_number(t_s)) and t_xf_date(to_number(t_s)) then t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).data_type := 'D'; if t_date1904 then t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).date_val := to_date('01-01-1904', 'DD-MM-YYYY') + t_nr; else t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).date_val := to_date('01-03-1900', 'DD-MM-YYYY') + (t_nr - 61); end if; else t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).data_type := 'N'; t_rows(t_rr)(t_c).number_val := t_nr; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; end loop; dbms_xmldom.freenode(t_nd); if t_rows.count > 0 then t_c := t_rows(t_rows.last).first; t_type := t_rows(t_rows.last)(t_c).data_type; for r in 1 .. t_rows.last - 1 loop if not t_rows.exists(r) then t_rows(r)(t_c).data_type := t_type; end if; end loop; if t_rows.count > 1 then for c in 1 .. t_max_c loop t_type := null; for r in 2 .. t_rows.last loop if t_rows(r).exists(c) then t_type := t_rows(r)(c).data_type; exit; end if; end loop; if t_type is null then if t_rows(1).exists(c) then t_type := t_rows(1)(c).data_type; else t_type := 'S'; end if; end if; for r in 1 .. t_rows.last loop if not t_rows(r).exists(c) then t_rows(r)(c).data_type := t_type; end if; end loop; end loop; else for c in 1 .. t_max_c loop if not t_rows(1).exists(c) then t_rows(1)(c).data_type := 'S'; end if; end loop; end if; end if; t_data(t_data.count).rows := t_rows; end if; end loop; dbms_xmldom.freenode(t_nd2); return t_data; end; begin if dbms_lob.substr(p_document, 8, 1) = hextoraw('D0CF11E0A1B11AE1') then --dbms_output.put_line( 'parsing XLS' ); --t_what := 'XLS-file'; --t_collection_base := :col_name; l_process_phase := 0; t_data := parse_xls(p_document, p_sheets); l_process_phase := 10; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('parsed,' || t_data.count || ' sheets found'); --my_log('moving to Collection(s)'); --apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection(t_collection_base ||'_$MAP'); for i in 1 .. t_data.count loop --t_collection_name := t_collection_base || to_char(nullif(i, 1)); --my_log('moving sheet ' || i || ': ' || t_data(i).name || ' to ' ||t_collection_name); /* apex_collection.add_member(t_collection_base || '_$MAP', p_c001 => t_data(i).name, p_c002 => t_collection_name, p_n001 => i); apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection(t_collection_name);*/ if t_data(i).rows.count() > 0 then --t2.delete; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('t_data(i).rows.count():' || t_data(i).rows.count()); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('t_sheets(i).name:' || t_sheets(i-1).name); for r in 1 .. t_data(i).rows.last loop if t_data(i).rows.exists(r) then pipe row(xyg_pub_data_upload_obj('EXCEL-XLS' --P_SOURCE_TYPE , t_sheets(i - 1).name --P_BATCH_CODE , null --P_BATCH_NAME , r, g1(i, r, 1), g1(i, r, 2), g1(i, r, 3), g1(i, r, 4), g1(i, r, 5), g1(i, r, 6), g1(i, r, 7), g1(i, r, 8), g1(i, r, 9), g1(i, r, 10), g1(i, r, 11), g1(i, r, 12), g1(i, r, 13), g1(i, r, 14), g1(i, r, 15), g1(i, r, 16), g1(i, r, 17), g1(i, r, 18), g1(i, r, 19), g1(i, r, 20), g1(i, r, 21), g1(i, r, 22), g1(i, r, 23), g1(i, r, 24), g1(i, r, 25), g1(i, r, 26), g1(i, r, 27), g1(i, r, 28), g1(i, r, 29), g1(i, r, 30), 0, null)); else --t2(1)(r) := '' null; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; elsif dbms_lob.substr(p_document, 4, 1) = hextoraw('504B0304') then --log( 'parsing XLSX' ); --t_what := 'XLSX-file'; --t_collection_base := :col_name; t_data := parse_xlsx(p_document, p_sheets); --my_log('parsed,' || t_data.count || ' sheets found'); --my_log('moving to Collection(s)'); --apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection(t_collection_base ||'_$MAP'); for i in 1 .. t_data.count loop /* t_collection_name := t_collection_base || to_char(nullif(i, 1)); my_log('moving sheet ' || i || ': ' || t_data(i).name || ' to ' ||t_collection_name); apex_collection.add_member(t_collection_base || '_$MAP', p_c001 => t_data(i).name, p_c002 => t_collection_name, p_n001 => i); apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection(t_collection_name);*/ if t_data(i).rows.count() > 0 then --t2.delete; for r in 1 .. t_data(i).rows.last loop if t_data(i).rows.exists(r) then pipe row(xyg_pub_data_upload_obj('EXCEL-XLSX' --P_SOURCE_TYPE , t_sheet_names(i) --P_BATCH_CODE , null --P_BATCH_NAME , r, g2(i, r, 1), g2(i, r, 2), g2(i, r, 3), g2(i, r, 4), g2(i, r, 5), g2(i, r, 6), g2(i, r, 7), g2(i, r, 8), g2(i, r, 9), g2(i, r, 10), g2(i, r, 11), g2(i, r, 12), g2(i, r, 13), g2(i, r, 14), g2(i, r, 15), g2(i, r, 16), g2(i, r, 17), g2(i, r, 18), g2(i, r, 19), g2(i, r, 20), g2(i, r, 21), g2(i, r, 22), g2(i, r, 23), g2(i, r, 24), g2(i, r, 25), g2(i, r, 26), g2(i, r, 27), g2(i, r, 28), g2(i, r, 29), g2(i, r, 30), 0, null)); else --t2(1)(r) := ''; null; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; --RETURN CONVER_XLSX_TO_TAB(P_DOCUMENT,P_SHEETS,P_RAISE); else if p_raise = /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true then l_process_phase := 97; raise no_data_found; else l_process_phase := 98; null; end if; end if; l_process_phase := 99; return; exception when others then if p_raise = /*xyg_pub_const_pkg.*/ c_true then --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (R_LINE || '-' || V_PROCESS_MESSAGE); /*XYG_PUB_COMMON_PKG.RAISE_ERROR ( '-20001' --'ERR_DEFAULT_CODE' ,SQLERRM ,'ERROR RAISE!程序進(jìn)度:' || L_PROCESS_PHASE );*/ dbms_output.put_line('程序進(jìn)度:' || l_process_phase); raise; else return; --return -1 end if; end; end xyg_pub_data_upload_pkg;
select * from table(xyg_pub_data_upload_pkg.conver_excel_to_tab( xyg_pub_data_upload_pkg.convert_file_blob('XLS_DIR_TEST','test.xlsx'),'', 1))
標(biāo)簽:開封 和田 固原 周口 武漢 甘肅 承德 青島
巨人網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊聲明:本文標(biāo)題《Oracle讀取excel數(shù)據(jù)》,本文關(guān)鍵詞 Oracle,讀取,excel,數(shù)據(jù),Oracle,;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權(quán)問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P(guān)信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),涉及言論、版權(quán)與本站無關(guān)。