CREATE PROC P_viewPage @TableName VARCHAR(200), --表名 @FieldList VARCHAR(2000), --顯示列名,如果是全部字段則為* @PrimaryKey VARCHAR(100), --單一主鍵或唯一值鍵 @Where VARCHAR(2000), --查詢條件 不含'where'字符,如id>10 and len(userid)>9 @Order VARCHAR(1000), --排序 不含'order by'字符,如id asc,userid desc,必須指定asc或desc --注意當(dāng)@SortType=3時生效,記住一定要在最后加上主鍵,否則會讓你比較郁悶 @SortType INT, --排序規(guī)則 1:正序asc 2:倒序desc 3:多列排序方法 @RecorderCount INT, --記錄總數(shù) 0:會返回總記錄 @PageSize INT, --每頁輸出的記錄數(shù) @PageIndex INT, --當(dāng)前頁數(shù) @TotalCount INT OUTPUT, --記返回總記錄 @TotalPageCount INT OUTPUT --返回總頁數(shù) AS SET NOCOUNT ON IF ISNULL(@TotalCount,'') = '' SET @TotalCount = 0 SET @Order = RTRIM(LTRIM(@Order)) SET @PrimaryKey = RTRIM(LTRIM(@PrimaryKey)) SET @FieldList = REPLACE(RTRIM(LTRIM(@FieldList)),' ','') WHILE CHARINDEX(', ',@Order) > 0 OR CHARINDEX(' ,',@Order) > 0 BEGIN SET @Order = REPLACE(@Order,', ',',') SET @Order = REPLACE(@Order,' ,',',') END IF ISNULL(@TableName,'') = '' OR ISNULL(@FieldList,'') = '' OR ISNULL(@PrimaryKey,'') = '' OR @SortType 1 OR @SortType >3 OR @RecorderCount 0 OR @PageSize 0 OR @PageIndex 0 BEGIN PRINT('ERR_00') RETURN END IF @SortType = 3 BEGIN IF (UPPER(RIGHT(@Order,4))!=' ASC' AND UPPER(RIGHT(@Order,5))!=' DESC') BEGIN PRINT('ERR_02') RETURN END END DECLARE @new_where1 VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @new_where2 VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @new_order1 VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @new_order2 VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @new_order3 VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @Sql VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @SqlCount NVARCHAR(4000) IF ISNULL(@where,'') = '' BEGIN SET @new_where1 = ' ' SET @new_where2 = ' WHERE ' END ELSE BEGIN SET @new_where1 = ' WHERE ' + @where SET @new_where2 = ' WHERE ' + @where + ' AND ' END IF ISNULL(@order,'') = '' OR @SortType = 1 OR @SortType = 2 BEGIN IF @SortType = 1 BEGIN SET @new_order1 = ' ORDER BY ' + @PrimaryKey + ' ASC' SET @new_order2 = ' ORDER BY ' + @PrimaryKey + ' DESC' END IF @SortType = 2 BEGIN SET @new_order1 = ' ORDER BY ' + @PrimaryKey + ' DESC' SET @new_order2 = ' ORDER BY ' + @PrimaryKey + ' ASC' END END ELSE BEGIN SET @new_order1 = ' ORDER BY ' + @Order END IF @SortType = 3 AND CHARINDEX(','+@PrimaryKey+' ',','+@Order)>0 BEGIN SET @new_order1 = ' ORDER BY ' + @Order SET @new_order2 = @Order + ',' SET @new_order2 = REPLACE(REPLACE(@new_order2,'ASC,','{ASC},'),'DESC,','{DESC},') SET @new_order2 = REPLACE(REPLACE(@new_order2,'{ASC},','DESC,'),'{DESC},','ASC,') SET @new_order2 = ' ORDER BY ' + SUBSTRING(@new_order2,1,LEN(@new_order2)-1) IF @FieldList > '*' BEGIN SET @new_order3 = REPLACE(REPLACE(@Order + ',','ASC,',','),'DESC,',',') SET @FieldList = ',' + @FieldList WHILE CHARINDEX(',',@new_order3)>0 BEGIN IF CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(','+@new_order3,1,CHARINDEX(',',@new_order3)),','+@FieldList+',')>0 BEGIN SET @FieldList = @FieldList + ',' + SUBSTRING(@new_order3,1,CHARINDEX(',',@new_order3)) END SET @new_order3 = SUBSTRING(@new_order3,CHARINDEX(',',@new_order3)+1,LEN(@new_order3)) END SET @FieldList = SUBSTRING(@FieldList,2,LEN(@FieldList)) END END SET @SqlCount = 'SELECT @TotalCount=COUNT(*),@TotalPageCount=CEILING((COUNT(*)+0.0)/' + CAST(@PageSize AS VARCHAR)+') FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 IF @RecorderCount = 0 BEGIN EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SqlCount,N'@TotalCount INT OUTPUT,@TotalPageCount INT OUTPUT', @TotalCount OUTPUT,@TotalPageCount OUTPUT END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @TotalCount = @RecorderCount END IF @PageIndex > CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize) BEGIN SET @PageIndex = CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize) END IF @PageIndex = 1 OR @PageIndex >= CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize) BEGIN IF @PageIndex = 1 --返回第一頁數(shù)據(jù) BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order1 END IF @PageIndex >= CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize) --返回最后一頁數(shù)據(jù) BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM (' + 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(ABS(@PageSize*@PageIndex-@TotalCount-@PageSize)) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order2 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order1 END END ELSE BEGIN IF @SortType = 1 --僅主鍵正序排序 BEGIN IF @PageIndex = CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize)/2 --正向檢索 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where2 + @PrimaryKey + ' > ' + '(SELECT MAX(' + @PrimaryKey + ') FROM (SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize*(@PageIndex-1)) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order1 +' ) AS TMP) '+ @new_order1 END ELSE --反向檢索 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM (' + 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where2 + @PrimaryKey + ' ' + '(SELECT MIN(' + @PrimaryKey + ') FROM (SELECT TOP ' + STR(@TotalCount-@PageSize*@PageIndex) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order2 +' ) AS TMP) '+ @new_order2 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order1 END END IF @SortType = 2 --僅主鍵反序排序 BEGIN IF @PageIndex = CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize)/2 --正向檢索 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where2 + @PrimaryKey + ' ' + '(SELECT MIN(' + @PrimaryKey + ') FROM (SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize*(@PageIndex-1)) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey +' FROM '+ @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order1 + ') AS TMP) '+ @new_order1 END ELSE --反向檢索 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM (' + 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where2 + @PrimaryKey + ' > ' + '(SELECT MAX(' + @PrimaryKey + ') FROM (SELECT TOP ' + STR(@TotalCount-@PageSize*@PageIndex) + ' ' + @PrimaryKey + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order2 +' ) AS TMP) '+ @new_order2 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order1 END END IF @SortType = 3 --多列排序,必須包含主鍵,且放置最后,否則不處理 BEGIN IF CHARINDEX(',' + @PrimaryKey + ' ',',' + @Order) = 0 BEGIN PRINT('ERR_02') RETURN END IF @PageIndex = CEILING((@TotalCount+0.0)/@PageSize)/2 --正向檢索 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ( ' + 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ( ' + ' SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize*@PageIndex) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order1 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order2 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order1 END ELSE --反向檢索 BEGIN SET @Sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ( ' + 'SELECT TOP ' + STR(@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ( ' + ' SELECT TOP ' + STR(@TotalCount-@PageSize*@PageIndex+@PageSize) + ' ' + @FieldList + ' FROM ' + @TableName + @new_where1 + @new_order2 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order1 + ' ) AS TMP ' + @new_order1 END END END PRINT(@Sql) EXEC(@Sql) GO
2、SQL Server 中調(diào)用測試代碼
--執(zhí)行存儲過程 declare @TotalCount int, @TotalPageCount int exec P_viewPage 'T_Module','*','ModuleID','','',1,0,10,1,@TotalCount output,@TotalPageCount output Select @TotalCount,@TotalPageCount;
asp.net 代碼實現(xiàn):
#region ===========通用分頁存儲過程=========== public static DataSet RunProcedureDS(string connectionString, string storedProcName, IDataParameter[] parameters, string tableName) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); connection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(); sqlDA.SelectCommand = BuildQueryCommand(connection, storedProcName, parameters); sqlDA.Fill(dataSet, tableName); connection.Close(); return dataSet; } } /// summary> /// 通用分頁存儲過程 /// /summary> /// param name="connectionString">/param> /// param name="tblName">/param> /// param name="strGetFields">/param> /// param name="primaryKey">/param> /// param name="strWhere">/param> /// param name="strOrder">/param> /// param name="sortType">/param> /// param name="recordCount">/param> /// param name="PageSize">/param> /// param name="PageIndex">/param> /// param name="totalCount">/param> /// param name="totalPageCount">/param> /// returns>/returns> public static DataSet PageList(string connectionString, string tblName, string strGetFields, string primaryKey, string strWhere, string strOrder, int sortType, int recordCount, int PageSize, int PageIndex,ref int totalCount,ref int totalPageCount) { SqlParameter[] parameters ={ new SqlParameter("@TableName ",SqlDbType.VarChar,200), new SqlParameter("@FieldList",SqlDbType.VarChar,2000), new SqlParameter("@PrimaryKey",SqlDbType.VarChar,100), new SqlParameter("@Where",SqlDbType.VarChar,2000), new SqlParameter("@Order",SqlDbType.VarChar,1000), new SqlParameter("@SortType",SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@RecorderCount",SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@PageSize",SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@PageIndex",SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@TotalCount",SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@TotalPageCount",SqlDbType.Int)}; parameters[0].Value = tblName; parameters[1].Value = strGetFields; parameters[2].Value = primaryKey; parameters[3].Value = strWhere; parameters[4].Value = strOrder; parameters[5].Value = sortType; parameters[6].Value = recordCount; parameters[7].Value = PageSize; parameters[8].Value = PageIndex; parameters[9].Value = totalCount; parameters[9].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; parameters[10].Value = totalPageCount; parameters[10].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; DataSet ds = RunProcedureDS(connectionString, "P_viewPage", parameters, "PageListTable"); totalCount = int.Parse(parameters[9].Value.ToString()); totalPageCount = int.Parse(parameters[10].Value.ToString()); return ds; } #endregion DataSet ds = SqlHelper.PageList(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, "T_User", "*", "UserID", "", "", 1, 0, pageSize, 1, ref totalCount, ref totalPageCount); this.RptData.DataSource = ds; this.RptData.DataBind();
標(biāo)簽:石家莊 晉中 南昌 咸寧 北海 東營 珠海 煙臺
巨人網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊聲明:本文標(biāo)題《asp.net中如何調(diào)用sql存儲過程實現(xiàn)分頁》,本文關(guān)鍵詞 asp.net,中,如何,調(diào)用,sql,;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權(quán)問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P(guān)信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),涉及言論、版權(quán)與本站無關(guān)。