!--#include file="conn.asp" --> % Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "Select * from cnarticle order by cn_id desc" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 %> % page=request.querystring("page") 'page值為接受值 rs.PageSize = 2 '每頁(yè)顯示記錄數(shù) rs.AbsolutePage = Page '顯示當(dāng)前頁(yè)等于接收的頁(yè)數(shù) %> % For i = 1 to rs.PageSize '利用for next 循環(huán)依次讀出當(dāng)前頁(yè)的記錄 if rs.EOF then Exit For end if response.write("br>文章內(nèi)容是:" rs("cn_content")) rs.MoveNext next%> % rs.close Set rs = Nothing conn.close set conn=nothing %> |
% For i = 1 to rs.PageSize if rs.EOF then Exit For end if response.write("br>文章內(nèi)容是:" rs("cn_content")) rs.MoveNext next%> |
!--#include file="conn.asp" --> % Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "Select * from cnarticle" rs.Open sql,conn,1,1 %> %filepath=request.servervariables("path_info")%> % page=request.querystring("page") 'page值為接受值 rs.PageSize = 2 '每頁(yè)顯示記錄數(shù) if Not IsEmpty(page) then '如果page已經(jīng)初始化... if Not IsNumeric(page) then '判斷page值是否為數(shù)字 page=1 else Page = cint(page) '接收page并化為數(shù)字型賦給page變量 end if if Page > rs.PageCount then '如果接收的頁(yè)數(shù)大于總頁(yè)數(shù) rs.AbsolutePage = rs.PageCount '設(shè)置當(dāng)前顯示頁(yè)等于最后頁(yè) elseif Page = 0 then '如果page小于等于0 rs.AbsolutePage = 1 '設(shè)置當(dāng)前顯示頁(yè)等于第一頁(yè) else rs.AbsolutePage = Page '如果大于零,顯示當(dāng)前頁(yè)等于接收的頁(yè)數(shù) end if else rs.AbsolutePage=1 end if Page = rs.AbsolutePage%> % For i = 1 to rs.PageSize '利用for next 循環(huán)依次讀出當(dāng)前頁(yè)的記錄 if rs.EOF then Exit For end if response.write("文章標(biāo)題是:" rs("cn_title")) response.write("br>文章作者是:" rs("cn_author")) response.write("br>文章加入時(shí)間是:" rs("cn_time")) response.write("br>文章內(nèi)容是:" rs("cn_content")) response.write("hr>") rs.MoveNext Next %> form action="%=filepath%>" method="get"> !--首先保證總頁(yè)數(shù)不為1、不為0--> %if rs.pagecount>1 and rs.pagecount>0 then%> !--如果當(dāng)前頁(yè)數(shù)大于1,無(wú)論何時(shí)都應(yīng)顯示首頁(yè)和上一頁(yè)的連接--> %if page>1 then%> [a Href="%=filepath%>?Page=% = 1%>">首頁(yè)/a>] [a Href="%=filepath%>?Page=% = page -1 %>">上一頁(yè)/a>] !--如果當(dāng)前頁(yè)數(shù)大于1并且小于總頁(yè)面數(shù)時(shí),顯示出尾頁(yè)和下一頁(yè)的連接--> %if pagers.pagecount then %> [a Href="%=filepath%>?Page=% = page + 1%>">下一頁(yè)/a>] [a Href="%=filepath%>?Page=% = rs.PageCount%>">尾頁(yè)/a>] !--如果當(dāng)前頁(yè)數(shù)大于1并且仍大于或等于總頁(yè)面數(shù)時(shí),不顯示出尾頁(yè)和下一頁(yè)的連接--> %else%> [下一頁(yè)] [尾頁(yè)] %end if%> !--否則,當(dāng)前頁(yè)數(shù)不大于1,則只顯示尾頁(yè)和下一頁(yè)的連接--> %else%> [首頁(yè)] [上一頁(yè)] [a Href="%=filepath%>?Page=% = page + 1%>">下一頁(yè)/a>] [a Href="%=filepath%>?Page=% = rs.PageCount%>">尾頁(yè)/a>] %end if %> !--最終,總頁(yè)數(shù)若為1、為0則沒(méi)有任何連接--> %else%> [首頁(yè)] [上一頁(yè)] [下一頁(yè)] [尾頁(yè)] %end if%> [頁(yè)次:font color=red>b>%=page%>/b>/font>/%=rs.PageCount%>] [共%=rs.RecordCount%>篇 font color=red>b>%=rs.PageSize%>/b>/font>篇/頁(yè)] 轉(zhuǎn)到input name="page" size=5 value="%=page%>">頁(yè) input type="submit" value="Enter"> /form> % rs.close Set rs = Nothing conn.close set conn=Nothing %> |
% function pagination(pagecount,pagesize,page,resultcount) Dim query, a, x, temp action = "http://" Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") query = Split(Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"), "") For Each x In query a = Split(x, "=") If StrComp(a(0), "page", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then temp = temp a(0) "=" a(1) "" End If Next Response.Write("form method=get onsubmit=""document.location = '" action "?" temp "Page='+this.page.value;return false;"">") if page=1 then Response.Write ("[首頁(yè)] [上一頁(yè)] ") else Response.Write("[a href=" action "?" temp "Page=1>首頁(yè)/a>] ") Response.Write("[a href=" action "?" temp "Page=" (Page-1) ">上一頁(yè)/a>] ") end if if page>=pagecount then Response.Write ("[下一頁(yè)] [尾頁(yè)]") else Response.Write("[a href=" action "?" temp "Page=" (Page+1) ">下一頁(yè)/a>] ") Response.Write("[a href=" action "?" temp "Page=" pagecount ">尾頁(yè)/a>]") end if Response.Write("[頁(yè)次:font color=red>" page "/font>/" pageCount) Response.Write("] [共" resultcount "條 font color=red>" pagesize "/font>條/頁(yè)]") Response.Write(" 轉(zhuǎn)到" "input name=page size=4 value=" page ">" "頁(yè)input type=submit value=go>") End function %> |
標(biāo)簽:平頂山 馬鞍山 湖北 朝陽(yáng) 四平 防城港 孝感 遼陽(yáng)
巨人網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊聲明:本文標(biāo)題《ASP編程入門進(jìn)階(二十):ADO組件之分頁(yè)程序》,本文關(guān)鍵詞 ASP,編程,入門,進(jìn)階,二十,;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權(quán)問(wèn)題,煩請(qǐng)?zhí)峁┫嚓P(guān)信息告之我們,我們將及時(shí)溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),涉及言論、版權(quán)與本站無(wú)關(guān)。